by Karen | Jun 10, 2020 | News
It is such a miracle every time to witness new lives on the farm! Moo Moo, our first time momma pig is so calm and gentle with her babies (and with us). Did you know that sows will build a nest for their babies out of whatever material they can find. Moo Moo chewed up...
by Karen | Aug 28, 2018 | News
We only raise our meat chicken in the summer time when they can be out on pasture eating bugs, dust bathing, chomping down on fresh greens and soaking up the sun. Our amazing chicken can be found at the Ottawa Organic Farmers market every Saturday from 10...
by Karen | Apr 7, 2016 | News
It’s spring (sort of) and it’s time to move the hens and their egg-mobile to their summer pasture. This year they will have two one acre pastures to roam. One pasture encloses our orchard. Here the hens can gobble up caterpillars,...
by Karen | Apr 15, 2015 | News
Eleanor has done it again with 10 beautiful little piglets born on Easter weekend. New births are such a miracle! We do not use gestation crates and we have no heat lamps but good mothering instincts are able to handle it! The piglets went outside on the first nice...
by Karen | Feb 20, 2015 | News
Why are some people reacting to wheat products? What I have discovered in the last year through research and my own experiences are that there are three things that we can do to make wheat (and other grain products) much more digestible. Eat only organic grain: It is...
by Karen | Jan 19, 2015 | News
Even in winter the animals love being outdoors! Our yet-to-produce-an-egg ducks are the first to venture onto the snow followed by the chickens who HATE snow. With the mild weather yesterday I even caught the ducks swimming in their water pail! The pigs (in the...